A Provisional Red

Series of photographic images printed on felt, collaged onto over a period of months and then held in plexiglass and secured with copper pins. Excerpts from this series commissioned by Camden Arts Center, London UK and curated into Wake Sleep Dream at Beeler Gallery, Columbus, OH. With fabrication assistance from Taylor Ross.

From the artist, “I have always been curious about how to re-direct and refuse the singularity of the photographic image. These works investigate the multiple possibilities of relation, and how that can be translated through photography. The photographs in this series were shot on 35 mm film in the summer of 2022, and include documentary images of horses, lovers, children, walks, houses across the street, kitchen tables, etc. The rolls of film held all these events equally as latent image, and they were later developed and translated to the double sided felt printed photographs that balance on concrete wedges. The photograph becomes a site for the accrual of marks made by thread, clothing, chalk, graphite. The viewer looks from multiple perspectives at the structure to try to understand how to make a whole. It is a fragile balance of materials with lines of viewing in and out of the structures that hold us -- skin, houses, rooms, relations. Looking is a way of being held.”

With thanks to the Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence in Photography Award for supporting fabrication of this work.